Sport & Fitness
Not seeing the performance results you want? Whatever your sport or physical activity level, we can work together to make dietary changes to improve your performance, energy level, and hydration status.
Maternal & Post-partum
Nutrition counseling for mothers includes understanding the foods that provide the essential vitamins and minerals for baby’s growth as well as ways to support breastfeeding.
Nutrition for High Blood Pressure
If you have high blood pressure (hypertension), we work together to develop a nutrition plan that helps to reduce your blood pressure through food and exercise.
Nutrition for Diabetes
If you are finding that managing your blood sugar continues to be challenging and you want support, we can work together to make a dietary pattern that will help to minimize spikes in blood glucose and improve your symptoms.
Nutrition for Gut Health
Whether you have Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, or unknown digestive issues — we can work together to determine the best foods for you to minimize your discomfort and begin to uncover what foods might be causing you trouble.
General Healthy Eating
Are you wanting to know more about nutrition and what to eat on a daily basis in general? We can work together to discuss a whole-food, nutrient dense diet as well as develop meal plans, grocery store walk-throughs and more.
Personalized 12-Week Nutrition Plan
Further personalized plans are available. Schedule a consultation call to discuss other options.
Plan A:
8 sessions
1 initial consultation
7 follow-up consultations
Meal planning support
Assessment of Food Journal
Clinical Labs Assessment
Grocery store tour
Plan B:
6 sessions
1 initial consultation
5 follow-up consultations
Meal planning support
Assessment of Food Journal
Clinical Labs Assessment
Plan C:
4 sessions
1 initial consultation
3 follow-up consultations
Meal planning support
Assessment of Food Journal